Regulations supporting FRPA

The Forest & Range Practices Act (FRPA) ensures high levels of protection for resource values while streamlining planning processes for both government and industry.

The Forest Planning and Practices Regulation, the Woodlot Planning and Practices Regulation and the Range Planning and Practices Regulation are the principal regulations forest and range licensees use to operate on Crown land. However, several other regulations exist to support FRPA.

List of FRPA regulations:

Government Action Regulation

Under FRPA, the Government Actions Regulation (GAR) provides direction for establishment of land designations and features that require special management for the stewardship of forest values. GAR regulates how government establishes the measures or objectives that pertain to the designated land areas.

Fort St. John Pilot Project

The Fort St. John Pilot Project is an exploratory approach to forest management, specifically for the Fort St. John Timber Supply Area, enabled by a special regulation under FRPA. Under this project all of the major forest licensees in the area have come together to create a consolidated management plan that is unique in the province.