The Unified Write Filter (UWF) is an Windows 10 optional feature.
To use UWF, you'll first need to install the feature.
Next, you'll enable (and optionally configure) the feature. The first time you enable UWF on your device, UWF makes the following changes to your system to improve the performance of UWF:
After UWF is enabled, you can finally select a drive to protect and start using UWF. If you'll disable after enable it, features above will not be turned on automatically.
You can install UWF for running PCs and devices, prepare it for customized Windows images, or manage it remotely using CSP or WMI.
uwfmgr filter enable
After you run uwfmgr filter disable , restart the computer and enter the serving mode, the changes will be reverted.
uwfmgr.exe volume protect C:
uwfmgr.exe get-config
md c:\wim
dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\bootmedia\sources\install.wim /index:1 /MountDir:c:\wim
dism /image:c:\wim /enable-feature /featureName:Client-UnifiedWriteFilter
dism /unmount-wim /MountDir:c:\wim /Commit
To activate UWF, you can use a command-line script, CSP, or WMI:
Note When setting the file exclusion in Windows Configuration Designer, you do not need to specify the drive letter since that is already input via the Volume protection setting. For example, if the file being excluded is C:\testdir\test.txt , after adding a drive in Volume protection, you only need to input \testdir\test.txt to add this file exclusion.
To activate UWF, you can use a command-line script, CSP, or WMI:
If Windows has already been installed and you do not want to use a provisioning package, you can also configure UWF by using the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers. To turn on UWF using WMI, you can use the UWF_Filter function, specifically the UWF_Filter.Enable method. You can do this in one of the following ways:
You must restart your device after you turn on or turn off UWF before the change takes effect.
You can change these settings after you turn on UWF if you want to. For example, you can move the page file location to an unprotected volume and re-enable paging files.
If you add UWF to your image by using SMI settings in an unattend.xml file, turning on UWF only sets the bootstatuspolicy BCD setting and turns off the defragmentation service. In this case, you must manually turn off the other features and services if you want to increase the performance of UWF.
All configuration settings for UWF are stored in the registry. UWF automatically excludes these registry entries from filtering.
UWF maintains configuration settings in the registry for the current session and for the next session after a device restart. Static configuration changes do not take effect until after a device restart, and these changes are saved in the registry entries for the next session. Dynamic configuration changes occur immediately and persist after a device restart.
UWF Command-line tool: uwfmgr.exe