Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer: Step 2 to a Healthy Lawn

Weed & Feed Lawn Fertilizer: Step 2 to a Healthy Lawn

Summer vacations and warmer weather are just beyond the horizon. As the days grow longer and brightly colored flowers begin making their appearance, it is time to start planning and applying step two of IFA’s 4Plus Annual Lawn Care Program.

IFA Weed & Feed is a great addition to your annual lawn care routine. This step-two lawn fertilizer is specially formulated to provide intermountain grasses with the nutrients and protection they need to transition from winter to summer while fending off many troublesome weed varieties.

Adding IFA’s Weed & Feed fertilizer along with Bonide Insect and Grub control to your lawn care program this spring is an excellent way to strengthen and protect your turf while promoting a healthier, happier and ultimately greener lawn during the coming summer season.

Necessary Spring Nutrients for Intermountain Lawns

Weed & Feed fertilizer is exactly what your springtime lawn ordered, with a specially formulated mixture of nutrients to complement the intermountain west environment, plus a three-way post-emergent herbicide to combat more than 60 varieties of common broadleaf weeds.

Nutrient Boost

Designed with a blend of vital macro and micronutrients, IFA’s step two fertilizer promotes strong roots and vibrant color in your yard.

This nutrient boost will help your lawn produce more energy by aiding leaf and chlorophyll production for deep green turf, as well as encouraging healthy root growth for better absorption and overall hardiness in the plants.

Postemergent Herbicide

Pesky weeds can get the best of any lawn and lawn owner. Luckily, you can combat these problem plants and promote healthier and more vigorous growth of your grass by simply eliminating the culprits.

IFA’s Weed & Feed fertilizer contains a three-way post-emergent herbicide that effectively clears out and controls over 60 common broadleaf weeds—including dandelions, chickweed and spurge.

weeds controlled by post-emergent herbicide

When to Apply The Second Step

Time is of the essence to capitalize on the benefits of IFA Weed & Feed fertilizer. The recommended application period is generally April to May but this will vary due to differences in seasonal temperatures across the region.

This fertilizer must be applied four to six weeks after applying step one Crabgrass Preventer + Lawn Food AND while daily temperatures in your area remain below 85°F , so getting the timing right takes a little planning.

How to Apply Weed & Feed Fertilizer

The IFA Weed & Feed application process differs from those of the three other fertilizers in our four-step program. Make sure you understand and adhere to specific guidelines and instructions to ensure proper application for a healthy lawn.

Get Ready to Fertilize

The complete procedure for applying Weed & Feed step two is designed to take place over three to five days including lawn prep, actual application and post-application watering.

1. Make sure you have the right spreader and enough fertilizer

Start by determining the square footage of your yard then divide that number by 250 to get the number of pounds of Step 2 fertilizer you will need to cover your lawn.

yard width (ft) × yard length (ft) ÷ 250 = lb of Step 2

Keep in mind a 20 lb bag feeds up to 5,000 square feet while the 40 lb bag feeds up to 10,000 square feet. It’s a good idea to add an additional 10% to make sure you don’t run out during the application.

Like with step one fertilizer, we strongly recommend using a broadcast spreader for the most even application. You can safely use the same broadcast spreader for this fertilizer application as you did with step one. If you don’t have a broadcast spreader, your local IFA Country Store has several options for you to choose from when you pick up your IFA step-two fertilizer.

2. Cut your grass

Mow your lawn to normal height 1 to 2 days before application. Make sure to remove any clipping after mowing.

3. Pre-water the lawn

Water the lawn thoroughly at least 1 day before application to sustain moisture until the next watering.

How to Correctly Apply Fertilizer

Once you have your supplies and prepped the lawn, it's time to start applying.

1. Set your spreader to the proper rate

Adjust your broadcast spreader to the correct setting to ensure the correct rate of application. There are many spreaders on the market, so be sure to adhere to specific guidelines for your specific make and model.

step 2 spreader settings

Recommended Spreader Settings